Miniature Wargames

Miniature Wargames

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

22,000 hits!!! and new Nappie painter/player converted

     Hi all I just wanted to thank all that have visited my humble blog and find it of some use.  I also wanted to say how grateful I am for finding the friends I have all over the world via this blog.  Lastly I just went over the 22,000 hit mark today, again thank you.  I would have done this at the 20,000 hit mark but did not see it come and go as I was otherwise occupied.  Anyway thanks again and I am looking forward to the posting new content and the next 22,000 hits... ;)  I wanted to thank the following especially by name and not in any order:

Ray Rousel(sp)
Paul Alba
Saxon Dog
If there are any I missed please forgive and remind me;)


Turns out is was 29,000 hits not 22,000. I was using a hit counter that was not from blogger so it missed like the 6-7,000 hits.  I noticed my Map app that shows bloggers where the hits are coming from does not have nearly enough hits as I added it way later.  So anyway that's that...

Side note:

     One of my gaming group buddies approached me about Napoleonics and I believe has been bitten.  He is going to be making a AB 15-18mm Nappie army, he has already started buying AB's from Eureka and will be painting very quickly I would reckon to bet.  He is a very, very talented painter so if he does not have a blog I may be posting his stuff here.
     Anyway after seeing the Lasalle rules set he is going to get Lasalle, I will try later to get him into GdB or RtE providing I can find a copy of the later. Also we will be doing Lasalle BatReps over the next year after showing him some of the blogs I follow that have posted their own wonderful Lasalle BatReps, notably Galpy from 15mm Paintshack, Trail ape and his site also Paul Alba and his site Napoleonics in Miniature, although his BatReps are for GdB mostly, they are wonderful. I also have GdB so that is a possibility over the next year as well.  SO after seeing my collection, the BatReps etc he is bitten! Anyway thanks again for the visits, the inspiration from your sites etc and great people I have met cheers...


  1. Hi Razor,

    22K is pretty amazing ! glad tosee you back and keep up the good work.



  2. 22k a great number, congrats!! And its always great to here of more Nappie converts, keep up the great work!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I Razor1,
    Great news,

    Or should that be "tell him not to do it unless he has plenty of time and plenty of cash"! (Nah just joking!!!)

    I am glad you enjoy me blog and thanks for the plug. Likewise I really enjoy your own blog very much. Always look forward to what you will paint up next. With GdB, I am still new to wargaming and I am afraid it is the only rules I know but I do enjoy them (when I get the chance of a game).

    Look forward to seeing your buddies figures (so you going to tell us what army/armies he will be doing or are you going to leave us to suffer?)

    P.S. sorry for the deleted comment, just back from 2 days solid at work and struggling with the mind (messed up the entry).

  5. Congrats on the 22k. Great blog.

  6. Thanks to all for the comments and the compliments.

    Paul as to your question my buddy is doing--


    As I am already doing French, Prussian and Brits it really only left him Russians and Austrians, after I told him of the unit sizes of the later he went with the former. I do not blame him as I have a ton of 10mm Russians I was going to do them next. So instead at some point I will do the French in 10mm. So I have both sides and I can do AoE battles on a grand scale with the 10's.

    Cheers and thanks again to all..

  7. Yes Russians are a great choice,
    I wish I had started them 1st and stuck to them for a while. You can never have to many Russians.

  8. Hey, my ears are burning! Yep, the Russians are coming! Once I get some stuff painted, I'll be posting to my blog...

  9. Hi jcroxford,
    Tried to follow your blog but it won't let me? Are you using blogger?
    Look forward to the Russians!!!

  10. Yeah. that's weird. Yes. I use blogger. You should be able to follow by hitting the follow button on the header bar. If it doesn't work, maybe blogger is tweaking out. Have you tried Erik?

  11. I have added Jude's blog to the blogs I follow on the left of the page...It will work that way...sorry guys


  12. :). got my first unit in the mail today. :)

  13. well done mate great to have you posting again i'll be dropping in to see whats happening more often again
