I found this Picture of this original French Carabinier on the web and thought I would share it with you. He was apparently hit by a cannon ball during the French Heavy Cavalry Charges during Waterloo. This is amazing, it actually punch through the front and back. When I saw this I just had to share it with you guys... If you notice there is a little plate near the neck area with "Waterloo 18 June 1815". I just have to say that had to hurt, or did he feel like a bug just before it hits your wind shield?
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Monday, October 31, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
22,000 hits!!! and new Nappie painter/player converted
Hi all I just wanted to thank all that have visited my humble blog and find it of some use. I also wanted to say how grateful I am for finding the friends I have all over the world via this blog. Lastly I just went over the 22,000 hit mark today, again thank you. I would have done this at the 20,000 hit mark but did not see it come and go as I was otherwise occupied. Anyway thanks again and I am looking forward to the posting new content and the next 22,000 hits... ;) I wanted to thank the following especially by name and not in any order:
Ray Rousel(sp)
Paul Alba
Saxon Dog
If there are any I missed please forgive and remind me;)
Turns out is was 29,000 hits not 22,000. I was using a hit counter that was not from blogger so it missed like the 6-7,000 hits. I noticed my Map app that shows bloggers where the hits are coming from does not have nearly enough hits as I added it way later. So anyway that's that...
Side note:
One of my gaming group buddies approached me about Napoleonics and I believe has been bitten. He is going to be making a AB 15-18mm Nappie army, he has already started buying AB's from Eureka and will be painting very quickly I would reckon to bet. He is a very, very talented painter so if he does not have a blog I may be posting his stuff here.
Anyway after seeing the Lasalle rules set he is going to get Lasalle, I will try later to get him into GdB or RtE providing I can find a copy of the later. Also we will be doing Lasalle BatReps over the next year after showing him some of the blogs I follow that have posted their own wonderful Lasalle BatReps, notably Galpy from 15mm Paintshack, Trail ape and his site also Paul Alba and his site Napoleonics in Miniature, although his BatReps are for GdB mostly, they are wonderful. I also have GdB so that is a possibility over the next year as well. SO after seeing my collection, the BatReps etc he is bitten! Anyway thanks again for the visits, the inspiration from your sites etc and great people I have met cheers...
Ray Rousel(sp)
Paul Alba
Saxon Dog
If there are any I missed please forgive and remind me;)
Turns out is was 29,000 hits not 22,000. I was using a hit counter that was not from blogger so it missed like the 6-7,000 hits. I noticed my Map app that shows bloggers where the hits are coming from does not have nearly enough hits as I added it way later. So anyway that's that...
Side note:
One of my gaming group buddies approached me about Napoleonics and I believe has been bitten. He is going to be making a AB 15-18mm Nappie army, he has already started buying AB's from Eureka and will be painting very quickly I would reckon to bet. He is a very, very talented painter so if he does not have a blog I may be posting his stuff here.
Anyway after seeing the Lasalle rules set he is going to get Lasalle, I will try later to get him into GdB or RtE providing I can find a copy of the later. Also we will be doing Lasalle BatReps over the next year after showing him some of the blogs I follow that have posted their own wonderful Lasalle BatReps, notably Galpy from 15mm Paintshack, Trail ape and his site also Paul Alba and his site Napoleonics in Miniature, although his BatReps are for GdB mostly, they are wonderful. I also have GdB so that is a possibility over the next year as well. SO after seeing my collection, the BatReps etc he is bitten! Anyway thanks again for the visits, the inspiration from your sites etc and great people I have met cheers...
Sunday, October 23, 2011
15mm AB French Dragoons the 25th
Well this is my first post back since my rather long break, These guys are like 99% finished with only some touch ups needed, but I figured I would post them as I said I would like last week. ;) I did these as I am finishing a commission for a friend of mine in SoCal, he has a real thing for "Old School" Jack Scrubby ACW 30mm Figures. When I say "Old School" I mean it! These Scrubby's I am just finishing, I think the molds were originally done in the late 50's or early 60's. Anyway back to the topic at hand, I wanted to finish up these AB French Dragoons I had as it was the last French Cav unit I had left to paint from my last order to them. I figured I would paint them as the 25th as I did not have any Orange in any of my other French Dragoon units. This brings my total French Dragoon units to 4, so now I can use them with Lasalle for a Dragoon Brigade. So without any further ado...
Sorry if the pictures are crap, I am just not a good macro photog...:) After I finish up the Scrubby commission I will post up some AB French Legere that I got with the same order as the dragoons...
Sorry if the pictures are crap, I am just not a good macro photog...:) After I finish up the Scrubby commission I will post up some AB French Legere that I got with the same order as the dragoons...
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Well I am back... :)
Ok after a bit of a break to do other things I will be posting again very soon. The first postings will be 15mm a AB French Dragoons unit and a 15mm AB French Legere unit. I should be posting these within the week. I just wanted to say that I am sorry I have been away and I hope that I didn't loose many viewers in my absence. Thanks for your patience and happy painting...
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