Miniature Wargames

Miniature Wargames

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Finally got the core modules I needed and one added bonus!

I have been needing to get the following:

Croix de Guerre
Armies of Oblivian


A Bridge to Far.

Well I finally got them all, I was really psyched about getting all of these.  The one caveat to A Bridge to Far is that it was missing the British Airborne counters and the "Blue" German counters.  I believe those were counter sheets 1 and 4.  Oh well some day perhaps I can get them from someone that only wanted the set for the "Black SS" counters.  So the "Collection" is looking good, although I STILL haven't played a live game since I started collecting ASL stuff around the end of last year, something of which I am more than a little disappointed about, it is what it is.  I will post something on this topic separately as it has gotten very much under my some point...