Miniature Wargames

Miniature Wargames

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Army Painter dipping experiment

Okay so I have been looking over one of my favorite blogs Saxon Dog and he dips most if not all of his ECW figures.  I have army painter Quick Shade which I believe he uses.  I have both Soft Tone and Dark Tone but no Strong Tone(which he uses).  Anyway so I dipped one of the Warlord Dragoons with the Dark Tone I have an here it is, I have not flat coated it yet nor done any touch ups paint wise.  I actually like it, now as long as testors dull coat does not attack the dip when coated I may be golden for these guys!  I think I do like it anyway what do you think?



  1. It's hard to say with the shiny gloss, but your colours look neatly blocked in. Finish the highlights and give it a dull coat and it will be easier to tell if your happy with the results.
    I've run some experiments with army painter and I am pleased with results when adding extra steps.
    I tried them first with my Trojans with just one highlight, but need to go back and do a second. I also did one US Airborne squad and I'm in the middle of my second using two highlights and am very happy.
    Like Imrie(Saxon Dog) I use strong tone with highlights.
    Keep up the work!


  2. Look very good razor1,
    Hope the flat coat works well.

  3. Thanks for the comments and the tips. I guess I will hi-light the flesh areas and white area's before dull coating. I am going to let it dry for a couple of days before dull coat to allow the army painter dip time to fully dry and harden.


  4. If you want a clean white, then I recommend completely repainting the white parts after applying army painter.


  5. I like it - do you have a "before" shot? Also, I just bought a can of dip; actually Miniwax acrylic stain. Never tried it before, but have a bunch of Gauls that I want to try them on - I've sprayed them a basecoat of flesh color. Hope they turn out like your figure. Regards, Dean
