Miniature Wargames

Miniature Wargames

Friday, December 30, 2011

28mm Warlod Games Celtic Fanatics and Balearic Slingers

I just finished these guys up from my collection of unpainted stuff.  They are Warlord Games Naked Celtic Fanatics and for my Roman Army Balearic Slingers.  Both were in units of 8 when I got them so I suppose I need more.  I really enjoyed painting the Slingers and I just well painted the Not much on painting naked chaps.  I would say that the scupts were done well but could use more variety.  So up first the Balearic Slingers.

Next will be the Celtic Fanatics... I have more pictures of them as they tend to be individual in their painting.  I had intended on painting hi-lights on the skin but then realized that I had the blue tattoo's on them and that wasn't going to work after I had used Army Painter dip process on them.  Anyway here they are...


  1. Excellen work on the slingers and fanatics. I like the basing you' ve used to.

  2. real cool your getting heaps done, nice work my friend
