Miniature Wargames

Miniature Wargames

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Been kinda busy, but...

Ok so before I show you guys some of my new stuff I have painted, let me assure you that I have not lost the "historical" faith so to speak and will also be doing that as well as some Warmachine stuff.  So I have started collecting Khador and Cygnar forces and here is one of my first Cygnar pieces I have done, this is a Warjack called a Cyclone.  It took a little bit to blend the colors but I think it turned out ok.  Let me know what you think...

So there is is, I will post more later but I wanted to get this up so that you knew that I was still alive...


1 comment:

  1. Looks great wonderful colours.
    As an answer to your question since the first time I started flames of war people have asked me to paint their minatures, I started selling figures/armies on trademe/ overseas would be ebay and then suggesting to the people that bought them that i also paint for commission if they were interested, now my blog seems to get me a few oversea commissions, I have 4 armies lined up to paint at the moment have been painting solid for about 10 months what fun maybe one day i'll be able to paint my own
